4 years ago

Today, I received a request from @LordBeerusGod to make a custom story for a FNAF character he made called "Stitchtrap". He gave me the basics and I made this draft of a story for it. Sorry if some parts don't make too much sense. This is just the draft.

Anyway, just so you know, I spent quite a bit of time writing this together. So here's how the short story outline turned out. LordBeerusGod was the one who came up with the storyline idea and the main character. I was the one who wrote out the story. Just to get that out of the way.


Jax Afton was the oldest child in the Afton family. Of course, he wouldn't know about this because at a young age of 2 years, he was abandoned by his father and put up for adoption. Even to this day, Jax doesn’t understand the full reasoning behind why his father left him behind. He later grew up with his adoptive parents, who took him in after spending a few months at the orphanage. He remained with them for a very long time, until it was finally time for him to start looking for a part time job for his new family. Jax was around 20 years old when he first accepted his job at Freddy’s Fazbear Pizzeria. Freddy’s was a restaurant where robotic animatronic entertainers performed for the children by singing, dancing, and all kinds of other things. Jax didn’t really care all too much about the animatronics. To him, working at Freddy’s was just another chore on his “to-do” list. 

His job there requires him to wear a rabbit-looking animatronic suit to give tickets to kids who reached the high scores on the arcade machines in Freddy Fazbear’s. Well, it really wasn’t an actual animatronic suit. It was more like a fabricated one instead. The suit was that of an anthropomorphic, dark grey rabbit, with two long ears sticking out at the top of the suit’s head. Its face had long, dark eyebrows, and circular, deep red eyes. Sometimes the suit would randomly change eye color from red to green. Jax asked the technician staff why this happened, but they had yet to give him an actual explanation for it. The rabbit had a creepy smile, with a jaw full of what looked like razor sharp teeth. The rabbit also was wearing a green jacket as well. Parts of the suit were covered with stitches, which made the rabbit suit look like a Frankenstein creation. Its name was supposed to be Stitch Bonnie, but everyone around just called the suit Stitchtrap. I’m not sure where the nickname came from, but for some reason, that’s just they’re calling him.

It was after a few weeks of working at Freddy’s that Jax realized something odd about one of the other employees there. One of the technicians, William, always seemed to give off a strange vibe for Jax. William always wore a fancy, purplish uniform, to signify his job position as head technician. For some reason, he felt like William looked very similar to Jax, except like a much older version of him. There’s no way he could be related to me...could he be? Jax didn’t exactly want to ask him straight away, because he was sure that asking William if he was indeed his father would be a very awkward family reunion. Plus, Jax wouldn’t exactly be happy if William was his father. After what he did to him, Jax wasn’t keen on forgiving him. I need to find out more about this guy. He decided to head over to his manager to get a little more information about him. 

Jax wasn’t exactly familiar with the owner, but all he knew that he was always called Mr. Emily by the other employees. When he tried to go into Mr. Emily’s office, he found that he was smoking a cigar in his office. His boss has a semi-bulky posture, with neatly combed, dark brown hair, and a short mustache. “Hello, Jax. What exactly do you want?”, he asked in a nice tone. “Uh, Mr. Emily, I have a question for you. About one of the people who works here. Who is that guy, uh, Mr. William?”, Jax asked his manager. “Oh, Will? He’s just the main technician here. And a good friend of mine, in fact. One of his sons is actually very close to my daughter. William Afton’s one of the hardest working employees here,” his boss told him. As soon as the words “Afton” left his mouth, Jax froze. “I’m sorry, did you just say Afton?!” Mr. Emily was kind of shocked by Jax’s reaction. “Uh...yes. Why?” Jax immediately ran out of Mr. Emily’s office, trying to process what he just heard. Is that guy...really my father? 

He wanted to try and find a way to get back at William. There are so many ways I could get back at that asshole for leaving me behind like it was nothing! That asshole deserves it for leaving me, his own goddamn son, behind! But no matter how hard Jax tried, he couldn’t find the right moment to do it. At the time, William was taking children into the back storage room to get their prizes. And if Jax went with him into the room, he knew it would look very suspicious. Come to think of it, what exactly was William doing with those children, anyway? Jax could see that he was holding a large pizza box, so he assumed that William must’ve been giving the children some kind of prize or something. He could tell it was William, even though the man was wearing an animatronic suit on. His suit looked much more professional than Jax’s old suit. William was wearing a golden-yellowish rabbit suit instead, with a purple bowtie. Jax didn’t think it was worth the trouble of going after him, so he decided to just ignore it and go back to his shift. 

So he decided not to follow the children inside of the room. He thought it would’ve saved him the trouble and the suspicion of doing so. The last thing I want to be accused of is being some kind of creep. The rest of his work shift was pretty hard on him. Staying inside of that Stitch Bonnie suit all day could get really sweaty and hot, which Jax didn’t like at all. It was hard for him to keep up a cheerful attitude when he was sweating. Instead, after a hard, very tiring day at Freddy’s, he finally drove back home. His house was a bit small, since it was all Jax could afford at the time. He decided that he needed to get his mind off of Freddy’s for now, so he decided to turn on the TV to forget about his problems. But after a few minutes of commercial ads, a breaking news story came out: there were five children reported missing from Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, earlier today. 

Their names were as follows: Susie, Jeremy, Fritz, Gabriel, and Cassidy. The police have refrained from giving out their last names for now. Oddly enough, the news report said that Jeremy and Fritz were apparently brothers, and a reporter live on the scene got an interview with one of the missing children’s parents. The mother of one of the children claimed that their child was murdered inside the pizzeria, back in the storage room where no one would find it. It said that the police were still investigating whether or not that was the case, because as of right now, there was no other evidence than the video feed in the restaurant to support this notion. 

Jesus Christ. Wait, did William- Jax immediately had a flashback to when he saw William enter the storage room with those children from earlier. It seems like he might’ve had something to do with it, honestly. But...I don’t know if that’s the case. It could just be a coincidence. Jax tried to look at the options through again. Think! How the hell could this have happened? Right in the middle of his train of thought, however, Jax heard the alarm of his phone go off. Who the bloody hell could that be? He reached over to the cord telephone (keep in mind that this takes place before wireless phones were a thing, possibly 80-90s) and picked it up. Next thing he knew, he heard a familiar voice speak to him. 

W: “Hello there, son. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

Jax heard a very sharp, soothing British accent from the caller. He was instantly feeling both angered and curious, wondering who was calling him at this hour. 

J: “What do you want from me? In case you haven’t noticed, my shift is done for today. Can’t I relax in peace and quiet for five damn minutes without something ruining it?!” 

The caller replied, 

W: “It’s me. William. I think you know exactly who I am.”

Jax stood there shocked and unsure how to respond. Did he...did he just admit to being my father? 

J: “Are you serious?! You’re seriously telling me, that after all this time, after you abandoned me, left me all alone, you NOW decide to show up back in my life?! Why the fuck would I listen to another word you say?! You’ve already done enough damage to me!”

W: “Jax, I’ll explain everything to you. But for now, I need you to come back to Freddy’s. There’s something I found that I think you might want to see.” 

J: “At Freddy’s? Wait, does this have anything to do with those children?!” 

W: “I...I don’t have time to explain, Jax. Just come as soon and as quick as possible, okay?” 

William immediately hung up, leaving Jax angered. The audacity of this bastard! The fact that he has the nerve to call me at this hour knowing what he did to me! Although, if it did have anything to do with the children, he knew it was probably a good idea if he came back to Freddy’s. If there’s anything I can find that can help the police with this case, then I’ll gladly do it. I can’t let the families of those children worry while they remain missing. In a very quick rush, Jax put the keys to his car in ignition and drove back as fast as he could to Freddy’s.

After twenty five minutes, he finally reached the pizzeria once more. Thankfully, it didn’t look like the place was closed just yet, because the front doors were still unlocked. It was getting dark very rapidly outside, too. As Jax opened the front door and went inside, though, he instantly knew something was wrong. Inside the pizzeria, he could see a wide variety of animatronic parts, all scattered across the floor. Broken arms, legs, and other animatronic pieces were lying on the ground, battered. Several wires were coming out of these parts, as if they were violently torn apart. But the strangest thing was that these parts were arranged in a very odd order. It was like they were arranged in a path, no, more like a trail, leading to the bathroom door. The hell? Jax had no idea how to react to this, so he slowly but carefully followed along the trail to the restroom door. When he got there, however, there was nothing out of the ordinary in the restroom. Okay, this is really starting to get weird. Why would anyone lead a trail of parts to the bath-

Right before he was about to continue thinking, he felt a very sharp and heavy pain in the back of his head. It felt like a hammer just hit the back of his skull like a wrecking ball. Jax instantly collapsed down to the floor, crying out in pain. He felt the back of his head to see how bad the damage was, but he quickly saw that there was blood coming from his wound. Shit, that fucker got me good, didn’t he? He tried to turn around with the remaining strength he had left, crawling his way slowly further into the bathroom, but when he turned around, his attacker was not who he expected. 

“Hello, Jax. Sorry about the head trauma, believe me, I am. But I am doing what needs to be done. Don’t hold it against me,” the man said, in a very sadistic and cold tone. Jax saw William, standing like a tower over him, was holding an axe in his very hands. There only seemed to be blood on the back part of the axe, though, for some reason. Why wouldn’t he have just used the front part of the axe if he wanted to get rid of me? Groaning, still trying to fight off the pain, Jax tried to speak up. “W-Why? Why are you doing this to me?”, he asked his father. William just stood there, with a grim expression on his face.

His father started dragging him away, across the floor. Jax would’ve fought back, but his vision was starting to get very blurry. He slowly started losing more and more of his energy as William dragged him like a ragdoll across the floor. A trail of Jax’s own blood was left on the floor as he did this. “I should’ve done this to you a long time ago,” William muttered under his breath. Jax couldn’t tell where his father was taking him, but eventually, he figured out that William opened the door to the parts and service room, the area where they kept all of the animatronic suit parts in. What he was going to do to me, Jax thought. Once they were finally in the room, William let go of Jax, and made sure to close the door to the room. Jax’s hallucinations started increasing tenfold now. He could barely comprehend what was going on around him. It took him a strong amount of willpower just to hang on to dear life at this point. 

But suddenly, he could feel something very tight, being forced around him. It felt like his father was putting one of the animatronic costumes on him, actually. Actually, now that he thought about it, that was exactly what it felt like. The round, barrel-like torso was exactly how he felt performing in his suit. Before he knew it, he could feel the suit surrounding all of his limbs, his torso, and his head. He was now inside of the costume he wore during the dayshift. Wait, what the hell is all of this, Jax thought. With the remaining strength he had, he cried out to William, “Will, why are you doing this to me?!” His father gave him a terrifying look. William’s eyes at that moment looked dull and lifeless, almost like the father that Jax knew before was completely gone now. “Oh, I have my reasons, Jaxie.” 

All that Jax could think about was how much blood he was losing. That hit from before must’ve been pretty hard. In fact, he could still feel the wound bleeding, even trapped inside of the suit. Eventually, now matter how hard he fought to stay alive, he had to take a break to rest. Yeah...maybe five, ten minutes...hopefully...Then, there was nothing. Pitch black. 

“Don’t worry, Jaxie. You won’t stay dead. Soon, you will be reborn into my newest creation,” William said with a smirk, as he looked down upon the corpse of his now dead son. “Soon, you’ll be just like the children. You’ll be with them, inside of this suit, inside of this pizzeria, under my protection...forever.” He then began stitching the fabricated suit Jax was inside of to his very skin. I didn’t want to do this, but it’s the only way you’re coming back, William thought. Now, let’s make sure you stay put. William made sure to stitch the suit directly to Jax’s tissue, to make sure that it would be impossible for Jax to take it off later on. It was a long, bloody, and frustrating process, but William was a man of heavy patience, so he gladly took his time with it. 


An unknown amount of time later…

Jax could’ve sworn he felt incredibly dizzy, as there was a very sharp headache he was experiencing. Jesus Christ, what happened last night? He tried to recall what went on the previous night, but his memories were very blurry. It was like his memories were there at one moment, but now, they were just gone. Why can’t I remember a damn thing? When his eyes finally adjusted themselves, Jax could still feel that he was trapped inside of the suit. But he soon realized that he was surrounded in a pool of blood. Terrified, he screamed, and he tried to get up, but he felt a great deal of pain coming from his legs and arms as he tried to move them. It felt like the very parts of the suit dug into his flesh. What?! What the shit?! How am I still alive?! Panicking, not knowing what to do, Jax tried to find a way to move around. Am I trapped inside of this thing? How did I-wait. The realization struck Jax like a sack of bricks. Father. What have you done to me?



Next up

Anyone who recognizes these characters knows what betrayal feels like.

And trust me, it does not feel good.

I think I have the wrong Rockstar Freddy, guys.

If you don't understand the joke, it's that the English voice actor for Zenitsu from Demon Slayer (Aleks Le) is also the voice actor for Nightmarionne's voice lines in UCN.

And yet both characters have completely different personalities.

"The Synthesis"

Lamar Roasts John

(You'll only get this joke if you're familiar with both GTA V and the FNAF: Silver Eyes book trilogy series.)


#fnaf #fangame

It came from Reddit.

You'll only get this if you know Claude from GTA 3.

Merry Early Christmas List

I guess you forgot about me... 🎪🍦

Here's a preview for a Danganronpa crossover fic I've been thinking about writing.

Danganronpa Ultimate Crossover Chaos

(Read article for more)