Added 22 new shop items based on the Major Arcana Tarot Cards and a tarot cloth
BALANCE CHANGE: The doors now drain more power the longer they've been closed for, to prevent players from keeping one shut the entire night
Every player's leader board is reset now, as it'd be unfair otherwise due to the door changes. The old leader boards will be archived in a spreadsheet soon
Made it so shop items can have different chances of showing up
Get a Life and Refresh have higher chances of appearing
The tarot cards by default have a lower chance of appearing compared to other shop items, but due to the sheer number of them you're still likely to see one or two every shop
Freddy adds a bar of usage while he's at the right hall
The usage bar can now show if you have up to 10 usage
The usage bar now flashes when at 5 or more usage
Added more images in the art gallery
Added a fail safe on the death where if it doesn't proceed when it should it'll force it after 2.5 seconds
Changed Foxy's AI description a tad to be less confusing
Fixed a typo in Caroline's extras description
Filled in some player characters' eyes in certain assets