Added a new playable character, Fitzgerald
Rebalanced Henry
He now has 10 choices for enemies and penalties
He now has 7 choices for shop items
He now alternates between adding penalties and having shops
Rebalanced Sally
Beating nights is no longer "charge" based, and instead you need to get 30 happiness to beat it
Replaced the Tug o' War with Pip minigame with Memory with Pip
Characters no longer increase aggression *over the course of the night, and instead do so over the course of the run like other characters
The Pup Pal now beeps if left unattended for too long, causing characters' aggression to increase slowly
Sally no longer starts the night with coins, and enemies can give coins again
Enemies start at 2 aggression
Coins still drain over time, and do so faster the longer it's been since you've last completed a minigame
Sally now starts with a x3 coin multiplier
Sally can now get All Star
Don't Mess Up and Your Best Pups now make you start the night with more coins instead of their previous benefits
Timed is now sandbox exclusive
yet another night now has 25 music layers, and every playable character has their own unique combination of them
Added a "Low Visibility" mode in Settings
This currently just colors the tiles in the Memory with Pip minigame
Added the Location Picker and Jukebox Sandbox Exclusive Shop Items
Location Picker lets you change the location the night is set in, and this alternate location system will be used in the main game mode later on
Jukebox lets you pick from several in-game song to play during the night
Added 2 new Sally penalties, Angerpup and Perma-Anger
Angerpup makes the Pup Pal get angry faster
Perma-Anger makes it so doing tasks only partially reset the Pup Pal's anger, with the benefit of making it so it goes up slower
Added 3 new penalties for Fitzgerald, Bonus Blank, Blank Penalties, and Hidden Roll
Added new death voice lines for T-G3n3r1c by @Casper_DelSilly
Changed the Inventory screen to let you see everything on one screen
Cawthon shows what all the characters you have active do on the left side, making unique interactions with having certain characters active at one time clearer
Tweaked how some characters work with Cawthon
The Death tarot card now costs more money but lets you pick who to remove
Added customizable DOOR HEAT and COIN MULTIPLIER stats in Sandbox
Clicking the numbers on stats on the Sandbox Screen now lets you manually input a number for it
Added buttons on the menu to join the Discord and view the wiki
You can now use the scroll wheel to scroll in Sandbox
Unlocks look cooler now
The litterbox and deadend songs have been updated
Pulling up and down the monitor shows your current character's reflection for a second
Caroline no longer gives 1 less coin when Last Stand is active, and now does it when Caroline Carousel is active
Canvas's blessing now stacks up to 5
Cassidy can't expunge characters if you have less than 5
Sparked's price changes based on how many of it you have
Venus's rabbits spawning is no longer based on aggression level
Venus no longer gives money when clicking on rabbits
Mura and Venus give .5 coins for every hunger bar when fed
Susie's Old Crayons now costs 75 tokens instead of 100
Summer's mechanic has been slightly tweaked to hopefully be more viable
Tweaked Sparky's timers
Tweaked Sparky Speedy and Mad Sparky to be less awful
The downloadable build now is 64-bit. This may prevent people from running the game from running the game on older devices but should fix the renderer process crash
Downloadable builds for MacOS and Linux exist now
The stats area in Sandbox is changed to allow for more options
Chores is no longer avaliable in Sandbox, as there's now you can customize the Pup Pal happiness fully on the right
When you only need to pick one option on a selection screen, selecting more than 1 now deselects the old one instead of just playing an error sound
Campaign and Endurance mode now have text saying they're coming later in order to prevent people from thinking they need to be unlocked
Replaced the Chaos Coins with Faztokens, done in order to make it clearer that they're the currency
Tweaked Silly's art in the arcade to work better in Lizzy's Circus and Pizza
Amber's card suits are now colored in order to help with visibility
Cawthon and Sally's leaderboards have been reset. This will also delete your PBs on them
Typing "unlock" on the settings screen will temporarily unlock everything for the current session
Renamed "x == x - 2" to "x === x - 2"
Renamed Summer to Lydia
Maple and Lydia have new art
Updated instructional videos for Amber, Maple, and Lydia
Updated Lydia's pronouns to she/it
BREAKNECK is now set in Charlotte's Domain
Total coin counts on the run end screen now takes starting coins into account
Run end screen has been tweaked to show location (not that you can change your location in Rogue mode)
Run end screen has been tweaked to look less janky when you have an absurd of tokens in a category
Having more than 10 max lives changes how they're displayed so they don't look weird
Gabriel's unlock works again
The sandbox quit and restart binds no longer softlock the game during a power-outage
The amount of Maple plushies is now determined by Night AI and not Inventory AI (this means if the AI changes during the night and Maple restocks it's plushies, the amount needed to find correctly updates
The "ROGUE SCREEN" sprite has been completely recoded so it's much cleaner and hopefully less laggy
The choice screen now supports having more than 7 options, and there's new stats that change the maximum amount of choices you can have at one time (which is 10 for every character currently)
Unlocks are no longer controlled by variables internally and are all controlled by a single list
The sounds at the beginning of the game when pre-loading should be quieter
Seperated the DDR machine in the arcade from the camera bg for layering reasons
Removed some one-off variables in favor of temperary variables from an extension
Tweaked preset loading so it lags less when importing a preset with the Radio active
Stranger Danger can no longer be added from Gabriel's Lost Badge
The code for making the shop item and penalty bags is split up across several custom blocks to make editing them easier
Importing presets no longer makes the game think you're holding left click down afterwards
Sparky damages the mask
Fixed some typos