1 year ago

took boss fight fight away wip



Next up

messing around with a work in progress laser abilty

Here's a showcase a of the shotgun plus the ghost chracter redesign!

A look at my games improved version, with Music!

My First game Welcome To Botland is a game with roguelike elements that's still in early development, and I would like any Feedback!

I added a railgun(basically a sniper) to my game!

I'm creating a topdown rougelike that's still in the early stages, I would appreciate if anybody would download the early access and send me Feedback.

working on a new spawn enemy attack for my games boss


I added a new character to my game and some abilities!

-The Redneck gets a temporary damage buff

-The Possessed TV gets temporary invincibility

-The Insane Robot gets temporary regen

New Update: Shop + Gungeon cameo

-I added a shop to my game with a gun, ability, and unlockable character to my game.

-The character is a Bullet Kin from Gungeon and its ability is a blank.(deletes all enemy bullets)

Added a minigun to my game, and implemented a overheat system for it!