16 days ago

Top 10 photos taken moments before disaster (yes that is LockJaw XD)

I also plan to stream Together Again:A Lake's funland story sometime!

Idk when but I will sometime ;)



Next up

Yknow, despite all the time I've been a fan of AurusTeam and their games I never actually drew Fredbear from their first FNaFFD Remake, so here with is!

It looks a bit odd in some places but in fairly satisfied with the result :)

I think I can improve on my drawings of the FNaC Locking cast, so I'm gonna post them over the next few days once they're done.

For now here's Old Candy (before he was decommissioned)

It of course, still could've been better but it's good enough imo :)


Fredbear, my favorite movie character

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

Candy's being as stingy as Freddy's

Guess they made up for it by buying night vision cameras years later XD

Hi, I have a few things I want to share about Showmans/Phobia

So ik it could be MUCH better-but here is Spring Bonnie from AurusTeam's FNaFFD 1 Remake.

Youre probably thinking 'why is it green?'

Well in the original FNaFFD 1 Spring Bonnie was an edited image of Spring trap! So he was green

There are images :)

Company Notice


Now I guess we know where 'Locking' originated XD

I completely forgot that was the name of a challenge in the FNaFFD 1