Hi there, I’ve been deadly quiet, I know. But I’m not still done to make devlogs, so… it’s quite common from me anyway.
But! there’s good news, and a good reason for the silence. I’ve completely rewritten the project to include some features I wanted to add, I was impossible for me before.
Right now, this are the main improvements:
The selection screen has been completely redesigned to make a better use of space and character info.
The game now has mutilanguage support, and you can play on english or spainsh, french and german are planned. You can change the language at the options menu.
Character dialogue is way smoother now, and its possible to skip dialogs.
New kinds of enemy movement allows me to make new configurations in enemy waves, to make the game harder and more challenging.
New there’s character bios if you stay idle in the title screen for too long.
Just wanted you guys to know this is still a thing!