3 years ago

tried out the Gamble Galaxy and it was great. the only problem i had trouble remembering the Z and X buttons.


other than that, the only two critiques I have is that there was no victory dance plus restoring HP after defeating the boss, and removing the 100 stars = 1-UP mechanic. these are not supposed to mock the game and it's creator, these are just ideas that can be adjusted into the game.

i was thinking that the cutscene after saving the sentient card from Whispy Woods goes like this: automatically restore HP, Kirby does his dance, and the cutscene plays where the new character introduces himself, almost like that small cutscene with Whispy Woods from Star Allies.

for the second one, keeping the stars is fine. 100 stars will still make a 1-UP, but the tally will not reset and can still be used for currency.

these should not be taken seriously. it just a little problem I encountered from the fan-game that's based on the official Kirby games.



Next up

another GachaClub OC! meet Nikki!

also, just to remind you guys: the reason why she doesn't have the shirt options with the breasts is because she's supposed to be flat-chested. ^^;

it took days but i managed to hallow out a woodland mansion like how people hallow out an ocean monument.

also, i didn't bother to kill the mansion's enemies (but the traveler's llama's stays behind when he was killed by the enemies there.)

a small test animation in Krita i made of Kirby blinking. feel free to tell me what you think!

guess i'll be using Krita as my main for hand-drawn animation, and Adobe Animate CC for sprite animations.

Rare Ziggurab is a literal spongecake!

Bomber gijinka doodle

here's Kathy in her jammies with a teddy bear!

see the GachaLife (via screenshot) versus Kirby forms of my OC Estrella: goddess of the sun and stars!

In keeping with all of my Kirby art, here’s #MyAnimatronic

I've been wanting to show this off for a while now, but I made my Sona in a GachaClub style!