5 years ago

Trivia Time!

Here are some little-known facts about this game!

  • During first drafts, Tenome was originally designed as a completely different idea! It was going to be a sci-fi horror game based on the Blade Runner movies.

  • Inside the female bathroom, the words “Red or Blue?” is written on one of the stalls. This is a reference to another Japanese folklore legend - the Aka Manto!

  • In fact, Tenome was originally designed to include many other types of Japanese folklore creatures as background NPCs, but these were abandoned due to time constraints. :( But I made sure to eventually include at least one reference to another creature!

  • The Tenome enemy was originally designed to be headless, but was changed due to the fact that if it had no head, it couldn’t make scary screaming sounds.

  • Instead of a square loop, the level design was originally going to be vertically layered like a real Japanese school wing, but was abandoned due to AI navigation/detection issues.

Hope you found these interesting! :)
If you have any questions about the development or have any suggestions or ideas, please let me know!




Next up

Announcement: Lady Ice REDUX

POLL: If there was a sequel to Tenome, would you play it?

Infirmary Sneak Peak

Announcement coming soon...

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I'm making a cat racing game, and things are getting very spooky indeed! :)

I'm currently developing a hilarious cat racing game for Whisker Jam!

New gameplay video! Ever wondered what it'd be like if we raced cats instead of cars? Well... now you know :D

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend

We are under attack!

We made a lot of improvements on the Freezing Plains visual. Things like pine trees, tiny bushes, some rocks, and others game props!

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