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Новый рисунок для одного лучшего

| @matusha_isvinitimenya | #Art #Furry #Cat #FurryCat #anime #Russian #2023

У меня день рождения!

/ I have birthday!

#Happybirthday #Mybirthday #November #2023 (08.11.2023) 🥳🎉

Happy Halloween day everyone!!! 🎉🎃🦇🍬🍭

| #Halloween #October #2023 |

@FuntimeTerror I made an art of Rosa for your art competition! As soon as i saw her i knew i had to draw her in a 20s kinda style. I hope you like it :3 love ur art <3

Разная я в "Роблоксе" ...

Different me in "Roblox" ...


#Roblox #Skins #me #2023

dead boy detectives fans where⁉️ (pls i desperately need someone to talk to about this show)

#Catnap #Poppyplaytime3 #HappyNewYear #MerryCrhistmas #2024 | #goodbyematusha_yt #matyusha_ytdead | С новым годом! С новым счастьем всех вас и тебя, Матушка (@Matusha_yt )! Но, я надеюсь, что ты не вернёшься... Жаль.

I’m going through a phase that includes drawing robots 🤖



Me and cute smiling critters [Merry Christmas!] 🍾🥳 | #Smilingcritter #PoppyPlaytime3 #MerryChristmas #HappyNewYear #Fanarts #2024