Twisted Circuit 2

1 month ago

Twisted Circuit 2 has been cancelled

(HEADS-UP: This is going to be a very lengthy post)

Yeeeeeaah, I'm really sorry guys. I REALLY wanted this game to work out but it just simply didn't. And honestly it was mainly my fault, TC2 was made solely because I wanted a gratifying reward for beating TC1's max mode and I didn't fully think through on how I'd have to do a full-fledged sequel after that. The team wasn't prepared, it got caught up in the middle of their other projects and personal lives, and thus this game would go months without a word from the development team.

We were able to get some progress on the game done though, the first two levels are, for the most part, in a playable state. Which is why I've uploaded the unfinished build of the game onto the page so that you all can at least see what the game would've been like. Don't expect anything amazing.

Ig this gives me an excuse to share about the ideas and plans the game had, so uh, let's go over them:

The game was split into two levels, the Alleyway, and Last Stand.


Alleyway would've been the first level of the game. As the title suggests, you're inside an alleyway. you're able to walk outside the alleyway to check your surroundings. To your right is where Twisted Freddy would approach. Once he got super close you'd need to duck back inside the alleyway and hold your breath until you heard him walk away. If you didn't do so he would discover you inside the alleyway and kill you shortly after. To your left is where Twisted Bonnie would attack (yeah he was gonna be in this game, I wanted to keep him as a surprise). He would essentially act borderline the same as he did in TC1, he'll approach the alleyway and you just need to flash him with the flashlight to make him back off. If you didn't, much like Freddy, he'd corner you and kill you shortly after. The objective of the night wasn't fully planned out tbh, but I knew it had something to do with using a phone whilst inside the alleyway. You would've had to do some puzzles on it or sumthin', all the while trying to avoid the two bozos trying to get you.

The level also would've had two neat little easter eggs;

On rare occasions when looking at Twisted Freddy in his last phase before attacking, his illusion tech would bug out revealing his true endoskeleton form (yes I was going with book accurate illusion tech shenanigans with this one). This wouldn't have effected gameplay any and would have just been purely visual.


And secondly, we had planned on adding a Twisted Golden Freddy easter egg. Whilst it was never set in stone on how you'd discover him, one idea we had was that one of the phone minigames would've been code based, and putting in 1987 would trigger his appearance next time you walked outside the alleyway.


Anywho, after beating the Alleyway, you would unlock the second level, Last Stand.


I wanted this level to be a sorta boss fight against Twisted Freddy. The player would now be standing in the middle of the street and Freddy would try attacking you from one of four directions (each indicated via a unique sound-que). The player would have to find where he is and do one of three things; if his eyes were blue, hold the flashlight on him. If his eyes were red, rapidly flash the light on him. And if he was an endoskeleton, use a buzzer to deter him. The one outlier of this rule would be if he tried attacking from behind, as you'd hear him running up to you. In this case the player would have to quickly duck to cover inside the alleyway and hold their breath until Freddy passed by. You couldn't stay in the alleyway forever though, as Freddy would eventually find you regardless. The objective of the night would've simply been to survive for a certain amount of time (probably six minutes) until the police arrived to assist you.

Fun fact as well, Last Stand was originally gonna BE what TC2 would've been, with the original idea of standing in the middle of the street whilst fending off only Twisted Freddy before the idea of multiple levels came to fruition.

After beating both levels (and the base game essentially) you would've unlocked the Extras and Hard Mode. Hard Mode would've been a toggle that you could enable for either level that would've not only made the enemies more aggressive, but much like TC1, add in a brand new third enemy;


The Spirit (aka Twisted Shadow Freddy)

He would've worked pretty much the same in both levels, he'll occasionally materialize when looking in a certain spot and you'd just have to quickly turn another direction to evade him. Last Stand would've also added a Fatigue meter which would deplete the more actions you did. If the meter fully depleted, you would fall unconscious and The Spirit would kill you. I ain't gonna lie I was never really happy with his mechanics but I didn't want to add anything majorly obtrusive on top of the core gameplay so we had to compromise there.


(Mockup I made of the Extras menu to show how the menu should overall look)

The Extras menu was very by-the-numbers. You got your enemies gallery, a jumpscares tab (which btw you would've actually had to get the specific jumpscares to unlock them in the Extras), an Old Content tab showcasing outdated and old content, and the credits. Pretty standard but I love me my Extras menus so I wanted to include it.

If you completed the Alleyway level with Hard Mode enabled you would've unlocked access to Custom Night


(image was a mockup I made for how the general layout of the menu should look, it even features an old icon and design for The Spirit)

The Custom Night would've solely been focused around the Alleyway level (I didn't think Last Stand really warranted a Custom Night of its own). There's not really a whole lot else to say about it, we didn't get far enough into development to really flesh out the Custom Night, but I just wanted to mention it anyways sense this is a big ol' overview on what the game was gonna be.

In terms on how the game would've progressed, it would've gone like this;

Beat Level 1 - Alleyway = unlock Level 2 - Last Stand.

Beat Last Stand = unlock menu star, Extras, and Hard Mode.

Beat Alleyway with Hard Mode enabled = unlock Custom Night and obtain the first piece of the shadow star (more on that in a sec)

Beat Last Stand with Hard Mode enabled = unlock second piece of the shadow star.

(Beating either level with Hard Mode enabled would've also unlocked The Spirit in the Extras)

Beat the all-max mode in the Custom Night = unlock the third and final piece of the shadow star.

"So Golden, what the hell are these shadow stars you're rambling about?" Well I'm glad you totally asked!


As mentioned in the game progression section, for each major accomplishment you obtain a piece of the shadow star (shown above is a mockup of the complete star). Once obtaining all three pieces you could interact with it to gain access to one final section of the game;


The Shadow Zone

I make it sound exciting but really and truly this would've been a glorified point-and-click section. I had potential plans on making the Shadow Zone more interesting but with my limited resources and skills they never came to fruition. Anywho,

You'd walk down this shadowy version of the game's setting until you came across a barrier of fog. Upon trying to enter the barrier,


You would've been attacked by The Shadow (returning from TC1). You would've had to run away from him and take refuge inside the alleyway (where else) and hold your breath to escape him. Upon leaving the alleyway after the Shadow floats on past ya the fog barrier would be down and you could progress onward again.


Upon making it to the end of the street you'd find The Spirit lying down on the ground. Interacting with him would've awakened him and he'd vanish.


After a few seconds you'd be jumped by both of the Shadows and taken into an empty void, before they show up again.


They'd then begin talking to the player discussing how you shouldn't be here and that there's more going on then you know and all that cryptic hoopla.


You then get a funny jumpscare which would reset you back to the warning screen. During the last couple frames of this jumpscare though the Shadows would briefly convert into their FNaF 2 designs. This was suppose to allude to the Shadows in these games being the same ones seen in FNaF 2 (yes believe it or not I had planned on connecting these games to the main FNaF series, more on that in a sec).

Upon returning to the main menu, you'd see that you've obtained a golden Twisted Freddy trophy, signifying that you've fully completed the game (you also would've unlocked The Shadow in the Extras).


So, I had said that I planned on connecting these games to the main FNaF series. So let me clarify on that.

My idea when we started working on TC2 was that the Twisted Circuit games would be set in a sort of AU taking place a few years after the events of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator. In this universe, William Afton beat the odds again and survived the fire, however was gravely injured and decided to take refuge.... somewhere. The Shadow animatronics, understandably having immense beef with William surviving yet again, haunt and taunt him for everything he's done (though granted I never really did fully flesh out their role in the story). Whilst in hiding William dusted off some old tech of his and brought to life the Twisted animatronics, advanced endoskeletons with built-in illusion tech to appear imposing to anyone who stumbles into them. They would creep out in the middle of the night and search different locals to gather resources for William to use. The protagonists of these games just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and either get kidnapped or hunted by these monstrous beasts. The William revelation would have been revealed in a potential third game, which I actually had some ideas for, but that could be for another devlog.

So..... yeah. There you have it. That's what Twisted Circuit 2, and its potential future, would've been. Again, I'm really sorry about all of this, but it became very clear to me that we were just simply not ready for this game yet. I revealed it too soon and thus felt like I HAD to make it, even if the rest of the team were busy doing other stuff. I also wanted to just get this unnecessary burden off my shoulders. My life as of late has been.... rocky, to say the least, and I don't need a game that my motivation for had been dwindling on putting more pressure on me.

As one last thing, I'm deciding to also upload the asset folder for the game, not only to showcase EVERYTHING that would've been featured, but also for anyone who potentially wants to try to finish what we couldn't. You have my permission, just so long as credit is given.


I can't apologize enough for this, but I just hope y'all can understand.

Thanks to everyone on the team, @Fredinator , @DaRadsla , @DuckterStRm , and @JoeyMay for the support on both of these games, even if other projects and personal stuff took y'all's focus away from the second game. Just know I don't feel anything personal towards y'all, and if anything, understand that I was moreso to blame with the game's degradation.

And thank you to everyone who followed and supported these games. The first game got a lot more attention then I ever thought it would have, and for that I am grateful. I wish I could have given y'all the sequel you deserve, but, life just happens sometimes. 'Till next time.

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Next up

Real TC2 leak!

Source: Trust me bro.

This pretty much explains why TC2 has been incredibly silent recently.

Got any games on your phone?

@GoldenGamer83 @DaRadsla , we're working trust me bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ELECTROBAB IS OFFICIALY COMING TO TWISTED CIRCUIT 2! I know he's been long awaited by all of you!

Deception Is Around Every Corner

Boys I dun fuckin' fiddled up

I was working on a drawing featuring the main three versions of RAT but my motivation for drawing has completely dried up recently so I'll just post what I had done. Still pretty happy with it though, even if it's unfinished.

Cat post jumpscare!

For those unfamiliar, this's my cat Jozye. He's a silly goober and my parents and I love him. And you all will love him too. This is not an ask, this is a demand. Forfeit all your belongings to Jozye at once.

The Star of The Show & The Vengeful Spirit