Two Interviewees
6 years ago

Two Interviewees v1.4 released and open-sourced with Korean translation

I just published version 1.4 of Two Interviewees.


This version includes a translation into Korean provided by @KyleHeren , coming at the right time because massive protests by Korean women are swiping across South Korea in the last few months, a symptom of a growing awareness about the condition of women in the East-Asian country. This was long due because the Republic of Korea is the OECD country with the worst gender pay gap. The condition of Korean female workers is much worse than their male counterparts and this has to be addressed with a collective struggle.

This was the first translation into a language with a non-Latin alphabet, which posed a few technical problems. Moreover, the game was upgraded to a newer version of Ren’Py. Nothing much changed in the final result for non-Korean players but, hey, this is a devlog.

I also chose to open-source this game in a proper way: you can now find it on GitHub at Please fork it, refactor and improve its dirty code, fix bugs and typos, add new translations and send me a pull request. Or merely use the (very sloppy) code snippets used for the monitor typing effect for your next visual novel with Ren’Py. Or just make a new game out of it. Whatever.

Have a good time and never give up the struggle.



Next up

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