Ultimate Nintendo Night: Joofified
3 months ago

Ultimate Nintendo Night: Joofified Patch 1.0.5

Bug Fixes

-You can't get power from Ridley or Marie if you run out of power.

-Power Generator wouldn't work unless power was below halfway.

Balancing Changes

-Wario's timer goes down even if mask characters are in the room, but still pauses at a certain point unless the microgame is complete.

-Nerfed Crash's kill timer (2.5s to 3s).

-Crash can spawn after a set number of monitor flips as well as randomly.

Hard Mode

-Changed Peach's hard mode mechanic to where the light needs to be shined on her more.

-Odyssey Box now works for Cappy.

-Buffed Captain Toad's to where you need to find the gem at 4am as well.

-King K. Rool when not using the monitor, spawns memes a lot less frquently.

-Callie's hard mode mechanic changed so the audio is ineffective after she reaches a certain point.

-For Classic Sonic, it's been swapped to where the Odyssey Box only works and not the flashlight.

-Nerfed Crash's kill timer (1.5s to 2s).

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Woah man



Sorry I did this late, but I made it. To celebrate, here is the project I've been working on for the past couple of months since Halloween!

Game page coming when it is ready.




This has to be in the top 5 worst UCN fangames I have ever played. It is so unbalanced and buggy. Hell some of the visuals are very weird looking. A lot of mechanics in this game are either bad, or poorly explained. May go in depth on a future post Idk.

Gamejolt doing an event with NFTs.

Fun. More reasons to hate this site!


Today I have three big announcements to show off. I have nothing more so lets begin!