Still quite a bit of work to do before it's at a testing stage, but we're getting there :) You can see a checklist of things I need to do before I run the program, but here's a to-do list that includes things that don't necessarily apply to writing the original program.
1. Finish initial program
2. Rewrite it in a way that allows the user to only view the necessary code(coding it in a way that I can understand, then switching things around to make it easier for others seemed easiest to me, so that's what I'm doing)
3. Write a documentation for the program
4. Give program to a creator to test how easy it is to use
5. Change code based on user issues
6. Repeat 4 and 5 until it is at a stage where most can use it
7. Add additional features(animations, different soul colors/functionalities, etc.)