As the development of the rooms and cutscenes has still been going on, which we have made some progress in, we have started to work on the random encounters. None of them yet have their attacks and only two are scripted, but those are issues that should be solved very soon!
The game now also has a fully working saving and loading system.
♡---------WHATS NEXT?-----------♡
We plan to finish the scripts for the remaining random encounters, and adding their attacks soon, but at times where we aren't working on that, or after we have finished those two things, we plan to start working on the starting menu for the game. Aswell as the main menu, hopefully we will be able to add in the game's intro soon.
And now we have the saving and loading system, we can add the game over screen.
We apologise for it taking until so far into the month for this devlog to come out, but we wanted to make sure we had enough progress to talk about.

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