Undertinge (Official)

4 months ago

UNDERTinge has been around for 5 years as of 2 days ago! (rip, a little late)

Anyways, we wish you a happy New Year! (late again)

We'll try to be timely next time...
(hopefully, lmao-)

Merry Christm- (oh, late again-)




Next up

Teamtinge Artists have been very busy working on art over the years on this project. Here's a collection of promotional art made for the project! Expect more!

Artists here in order-

Loupil(lead artist), Nanobanana and Mrmitten

Alright, so small announcement. All UNDERTinge character sprites will be updated, to match this newest version, of tinge!sans' sprite.


A couple weeks ago, I <Mrmitten> released a side project for meeting Undertinge sans while we wait for the full project to be released. Its been a month so here's the link to the project ;

It's not great, but it's something.

UNDERTinge update...? UNDERTinge progress update is delayed, but here's two pieces of art made for the project. 1 promotional art, 1 is v1 of comic cover art planned to be released in a couple months.

Credit in order ; Loupil, Mrmitten

The "side characters of UNDERTinge have been changed quite a bit from their original counter parts. Design, desc, etc... Here are a few that we've changed!

Some images were crushed to fit the given proportion limit.)


It's been a while, hasn't it? Anyways, here's the updated official element badges for UNDERTinge.


It's been a long time, hasn't it?

From concept changing a lot, to losing access to the account for half a year... we're back. But on a more important note, we currently do not have someone to make themes. Anyways, thanks for 1k.


Undertinge, February Update - 4

sans... is French?! Anyways, rolling out some updates to character REFs and designs. Expect some promotional art soonish (at some point).


It's been like... a month since the last post, so have this art piece of Undertinge Toriel.
