Unending Galaxy
10 years ago

Unending Galaxy [alpha 0.6.2] released

Due to a critical bug reported in the last version, I just published the version 0.6.2. Of course, it isn’t a huge step forward in term of gameplay. It however includes a bug report module. If the game crashes, you’ll be asked if you want to save the report. Please do so, and use our forums to post about it.

That said here are the new features (some are incomplete)

  • New profile selection: You can start the game as a pirate, a trader, a young empire…

  • Ability to buy and sell weapons and shields at military bases and shipyards

  • Made bullet speed and range proportional to ship’s movement

  • Added proper starting and game loading screens

  • Attack fleets should reinforce as needed

  • Colors of factions are hardcoded (potential work around reported crash)



Next up

Unending Galaxy 0.7.4 Released !

Unending Galaxy [Beta 5] Released

Unending Galaxy [Beta 1] Released !

Unending Galaxy [Beta 4] released

Unending Galaxy [Beta 3] released

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#Pecaminosa | #IndieDev | #OST | #Jazz


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