UNOTALE: Card Game

4 years ago

UNOTALE: Card Game v1.00 Released

Hi everyone! As you can probably tell by the title of this devlog, UNOTALE: Card Game is now released!

This is the first version, v1.00. I suppose this devlog will delve into some interesting tidbits about this first release.

(oh also there's a trailer, too:

This is (obviously) an interpretation of the Uno card game into the Undertale battle engine. You can play with up to 7 of your friends (8 players total) in a battle to exhaust your hand first. There are multiple house rules that can be toggled by lobby hosts, which I'll touch on right now.

POINT SYSTEM: The intended way to play the game, but not what's considered ideal. When you exhaust your hand, you earn points based on what's in everyone else's hand. Then you pick up 7 more cards and try to exhaust your hand again. First person to 500 points wins. This is disabled by default.

DRAW CARD MODES: There are currently a total of 3 draw cards modes, which modify how the draw cards behave.

  • STOCK: If you play a draw card, the next player must draw that amount of cards. +2 and +4 cards are treated as different card types, so you can't play a +2 card on top of a +4 card.

  • STACK: Players can stack draw cards to prevent drawing cards. However, this increases the amount of cards the next person would have to draw, then the next, until the stack reaches something like 12 and the next unfortunate soul with no draw cards must draw the amount from the stack. +2 cards can be played on top of +4 cards in this mode. STACK is enabled by default.

  • CHALLENGE: In official Uno rules, you can't play +4 cards if you have a card of the color of the previously played card. If a +4 card is played, the recipient player can challenge the +4 card to see if they have a color of the previous played card. If they do, then the person that played the +4 must draw the 4 cards. If they don't, then the challenger needs to draw the 4 cards in addition to 2 more cards. CHALLENGE is essentially STOCK, but incorporates this rule.

DARE! CARDS: This is a unique idea proposed by one of my girlfriends. This card is a wild card that allows you to type out a custom dare for the next player to do outside of the game. If they reject the dare, they must draw 10 cards. The catch is that they can call out the dare and have everyone in the game decide whether or not the dare is reasonable. If it is, the dare victim must draw 10 cards. If, however, the dare is a bad dare, the darer must draw 10 cards. There are 2 of these cards in a deck if enabled, which it is by default.

In addition to house rules, lobby hosts can choose the background color and music that plays during the game. There are 10 pairs of songs comprised of 2 songs; one for normal situations, and one for tense situations. There are also special standalone 1v1 songs that bring the total up to 16 different musical settings. Most of the songs come from Undertale, with a few Deltarune ones.

When in the lobby, players are able to choose what character they want to use in the game. Each skin has their own graphics and dialogue. There are a total of 17 skins in the game as of right now.

Outside of just the Uno game, player settings are tailored to self-expression and inclusivity. Player names can go up to 8 characters, and player pronouns are fully customizable. Players are also able to change their SOUL color in the game options with a total of 9 unique colors. For those more sensitive to more intense graphical effects, there's also an option to simplify the effects to be less intense.

That's all I can really say about this initial release. The real magic is in the game itself, which is always a blast. This took from March 14th until now to create, so I think I did everything that I really wanted to do, other than a singleplayer mode. This game will be updated from now going forward, so expect more updates in the future.

I hope you all enjoy the game with your friends!

- Sarah



Next up

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DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.10 Patch


We won't back down.

I have been slowly planning the charity event I said I would do this year, which I've decided on a title:

The UT Bunnathon! Hosted by me, Sarah VyletBunni!

Tentatively scheduled for June 23-27 2025. More details to come later.

noelle joined

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UNOTALE: v1.01 Update
