Shattered Realms: Mortal Tale
7 years ago

Update 0.5.5: Boss's Second Wind!

The bosses of SR:MT’s first Chapter have started to feel lack luster thanks to some improvements in tactics design, and so we’ve been working to update them, and soon to come, a patch that lets you see the bosses in their new glory. Some have new battlers, while some have their dialogue and encounters completely revised! That’s not everything we’ve been doing though…


Here’s a list of some of the changes we’ve been working on!

  • Battleback/Battle Background Image customization
    At long last, we are beginning customization of the game, starting with the battlebacks, a good number have been implemented, while many more are still to come. Unfortunately, we will not be completely customizing Chapter 1’s battlebacks before the release of this patch.

  • Monster Tactics
    The very first instances of this have just started to appear in Chapter 1, but I am hoping to make the battles with enemies far more interesting and dynamic than they have been. Case in point, Pitos will now ambush the Player if they approach holes in the ground in the Ancient Hills. They are also planned to be sensitive in particular to how much gold you have, potentially able to rob you. This will only partially be implemented as well.

  • Bug Fixes
    Bugs have been a rather nasty pain in our side, and we will likely be struggling with them for a while, but we’ve taken a firm whacking spree on many of them, and hopefully the end result will be a worry free gameplay experience.

  • Chapter 2 Storyline (UNIMPLEMENTED)
    Chapter 2 has been under way for about a month or more now, and while still heavily indev, it exists in the game files and is roughly 2 hours long, potentially longer. While it exists in the game files, in the release, it will not be accessible at this time.

At present if work goes well, we should see a release within the next few days.



Next up

Latest concept art for the game, featuring Rivia, titled, 'Who I Once Was'!

Bug Fix Version 0.2.1


Unclear where  the Chapter Select Scene actually wants you to go. Made it fairly obvious to avoid confusion. 

Saves should be easily updated with these files so long as you don't overwrite the save folder.

General update and where progress is headed

Game Stream Going live with some game artwork! See you there!

Upcoming Emergency Patch Details

Chapter 2 Private Playtest Announcement

Fiddling with some UI element ideas. Mostly waiting for more progress in terms of game assets, so giving myself things to do.

New designs made today! After some hard work, I’ve gotten a few more designs for the story and game itself complete, have a look below! The polish update continues!

Game Stream Today I am currently beginning work on the game on stream, hoping to get a few hours into the game today. Come join me!

Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.