Project Strange

6 years ago

Update 1.0.1 - Bug-fixes


  • Fixed a bug with mail with the Hidden e-mail application,

  • Improved the Decrypter 1.0 (second level) by adding more time,

  • Improved the Decrypter 2.0 (second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth level),

  • Improved the 2nd intro, :P

  • Improved some bugs with the Git-Bucket website,

  • Fixed the bug where after entry “” causes the game to crash,

  • Improved LackNet (Website).

If you have any ideas for the game, write in a comment section (I will gladly read it).




Next up

Update 1.1.0 - Ritual

Something gone wrong... ⊙△⊙

Have you ever wondered - what's going on inside your cat's head? this co-op horror physics-based game has the answer!

Play now:

Created during 48 hours for Global Game Jam '24.

SQL Injector and SQL Database in Project Strange!

Immerse yourself into the world of... CHECKERS. The real question is... are you ready to check this game out?

Progress Status #11 - LackNet OS

I made an update with @Cyberevolver_Studios to our old game from 1920 Jam (Polish game-jam) by adding English and other small improvements. Along with that, we decided to upload the game on the Game Jolt platform:

The Towerer is rogue-like, bullet-hell shooter based in sci-fi universe.

You have to survive in the test chambers and get to the top of the tower. Why you are in the tower? No one knows… but you might find the answer in the game.

Wo' just happened?

Update 0.9.0 - Lots of Fixes/Improvements