One Night at Winterbear: We Are Back Again Revival

6 months ago

Update 1.0.1

This update makes a change to the main menu and fixes a minor bug, along with another change to the Android version.

Change log:


  • Moved some objects in the main menu to be behind the scanlines effect.

  • (Android only) Changed "click" to "tap" on the camera and mask buttons.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed being able to click on the camera button while using the mask.



Next up

I've revived one of @FernandoVasquez_1283 's canceled games, and finished it.


Have fun!

I've added one more achievement.

I ended up making a new cutscene for beating All-Out mode, and the old one I originally made for beating it has been repurposed as a secret cutscene instead.

Finished FrankenWario's renders and jumpscare.

Idea I had for a future FNaW game inspired by @MLS_FNAW 's MLS Editions, with the idea of using OCs in place of the original characters.

Made a model for @Scrap_Metal to help me practice with organic modelling. I've done organics before but never felt satisfied, did this one very well. Might try to get into organic modelling, it's pretty fun!

Thanks to @DaRadsla for helping rig it! ^^

@MLS_FNAW Plush (Edit)

Updated thumbnail, header and screenshots.

We laugh at the stupidest stuff.

Change of plans: I'll be making the remaining models by only doing texture editing.

Here's FrankenWario, which is a Tycoon Wario edit.

I don't know if a capless/hatless Wario model exists, so this is what I'll be using for this game.