Captive Audience
6 years ago

Update 1.1.3

Hi Folks,

Another update today.


All days should now consistently end when tasks are finished, we had a collider that blocked completion raising problems before.

Credits should no longer crash.

SFX changes to a few objects to make them sound more natural.


We felt that wandering the corridors of an evil TV show wasn’t threatening enough for Matt, so join us in welcoming the Assurance Drones. Just be warned, it’s not Matt they’re trying to comfort.

Drones will appear at various points during the nights, either as patrols to add threat when exploring, or to make transitions more natural and less jarring.


More changes to come this week!



Next up

It Will Find You - Devlog 6: Interactivity PT2

It Will Find You - Devlog 7: Static and Attached Items

It Will Find You - Devlog 9: Monster AI Part 1 - The Core

It Will Find You - Devlog 4: Interaction Systems

A comparative shot of It Will Find You's new environmental lighting and effects today! With a storm raging around her, Julia fights for survival against the environment, as well as the horrors within.

After Captive Audience, I've worked to try and build upon the interaction system we created, improving clarity with highlighting and providing a reset option to rotation controls.

It Will Find You - From TV Set to Wild Woods

It Will Find You - Devlog 5: Environmental Effects

Some new environmental screenshots from the latest build of It Will Find you!

If you want to come discuss the game, why not join our community!




It Will Find you's stormy setting means there's a lot of rain, and vehicle windows needed to reflect that. Trying to get the rain drop distortion just right as the car drives into the night.