ToyFreddy's Imprudent Purgatory
1 year ago

Update 1.1: Bug Fixes And What Will Happen With This Game Moving Forward.

I can't remember all the bugs I fixed so I'll just name a few I do remember.

-Added two little critters to the post 6pm section in shift 5.

-Fixed Laya apearing as soon as she leaves.

-Made the Quit button actually work, whoops.

-Fixed sounds not playing in the daytime segment.

Alright so, This will probably be one of the final updates to this version of the game. I'm going to be focusing on working on a "Full Version" of this game, with a bunch of stuff I couldn't put in this version because of time constraints. The reason I'm not going to be touching this build is because I want to keep it in tact as like a "Legacy" build or something. I also want to try posting on my profile more often but no promises.

Alright, I'm going to slink back into my hole now.



Next up

Desk Customization! You'll now be able to buy little nik naks to put on your desk! Also I'm now going to try to give you guys a progress report at least once a week. So look forward to that!(they won't all contain videos tho)

Weekly Progress Report #4: 0̸̲͆1̷̹̓1̵̜͆1̶̟͊0̷̿ͅ1̶̤͝1̴͚̓0̵͓̇ ̷͎̏0̶̗̉1̷̢̄1̴̖̀0̶̛̼1̶̭̍0̴̗̀0̵̢̓1̷̖͘ ̸̗̕0̸̼̆1̸̪̔1̸͎̊0̶̹͂0̴̩̚0̵̠͠1̴̱̀1̶̟͘ ̸̦̊0̸͑ͅ1̵̮͋1̷̘̃1̷̢̀0̷͙̀1̴̦͠0̶̩̔0̵͎͐ ̶͖̽0̶̲̏1̸̮̉1̵̹̄0̴̡̀1̸͚̔0̴̛̬0̴̟̿1̸̡̊ ̶̨̑0̵͎͊1̵̘͘1̷͓͝0̷̙̓1̵̨̛1̴͙̋0̷̜͛1̴͑͜

Here's a showcase of how the daytime segment looks currently! Everything here is still a W.I.P.

(also i'm sorry for not posting more often. I needed a break cuz i was feeling burnt out. I'm starting to work on it again tho!)

Weekly Progress Report #1: Added a shop!

Sorry for the silence! I just didn't know what to post. I'll give you a little update as to what I've been doin and what I'm gonna start doing soon.

Weekly Progress Report #2: fuck

Weekly Progress Report #5: skcjaljfqklwjdfa

Weekly Progress Report #3: Corruption

Wow guys I somehow was able to make a demo for the full game so here it is haha dont look at the date though its not importent haha go download it here:…

It's my day of birth, so here's a little showcase of the custom night menu so far!(reupload cuz i forgot somthin)