Now before the start of (almost) every night you have the book with guides.
Now in gameplay shows the current night.
Music Box system has been reworked. And when music box is nearly uncharged, the cam button shows an "!" symbol.
Adjusted Night 2 and above difficulty a bit.
Ending screen is adjusted, credits added (You can skip by pressing Esc).
Added more music to the music box, menu music.
Now the ambience has a music.
Mono-Steve's office sprite has been fixed and now leaves faster when he's in office
Some sounds/music have been changed to the Minecraft ones
Added more splashes
You have the power of building, be careful of using stuff.
Game over shake changed.
Button sprites changed
Fixed bugs
Maybe I should begin doing The Return to Freddy's Awoken and then probably remake of some random game not out of mine. Plus I overworked with Korii's Museum 1.1 holy shit
I wanted to add some additional features but I postponed them for 1.2 (GameJolt API, Custom Night, Advancements), but at this point I'll leave this game alone for now.
also had to repost for communities