6 years ago

Update 2.0 is coming Friday!

Hey everyone!

See better-looking blog post here:

There is a brand shiny new update of - version 2.0 coming this Friday! Super pumped to announce these features below. If you ever have any suggestions, or want to beta test upcoming releases, please join the Discord community and come chat!

Saving / restoring the game

This is a very experimental feature in the beta. Right now, it only allows you to “export” the game as text, and reload it later. In later releases, I’m planning to have “save slots” etc and more convenience.

This is the situation at the moment

(Almost) Unlimited levels
Levels now go up to 30, so its almost impossible to reach the maximum Level (challenge accepted)… Everything (cost, damage, etc) now scales with your progress (computed dynamically using an exponential curve - for all you nerds out there).

Building limits now also scale with progress, which actually leads to less building at the start. But, with the higher limits, you can now have many more buildings,
meaning you can build huge bases!

Pausing during the night

It is now possible to pause during Night. During pause is not possible to build buildings (could lead to exploits), but you can upgrade. In exchange, the game continues to run, even when losing focus, as long as the tab is visible

New placement options

Made it easier to do stuff. When holding N and clicking a building, it gets an upgrade. When holding X and clicking on a building, it sells it. When holding Alt and clicking a building, it maxes out. It’s no longer required to open the tooltip for this (woo!).

Hints when unlocking new features

When new towers are unlocked (Lightning Tower, Shield Tower), a short hint is shown which explains what they do and how to chain them.

New notifications design

Notifications now look better! Here is an example when clicking to place a base while paused.

Lots of performance improvements

Zombie ai has been reworked to be faster. The consumer network is now computed with multiple threads in the background. Should improve performance by a lot in the later days (rounds) of the game. That’s why there is now a “Recomputing Network” hint shown.

Resource visualizer now shows the demand/supply of resources instead of the total amount

This helps to identify network issues. For example, if you have 5 iron mines which produce 3 iron per second, there will be a 15 shown. This also takes into account defensive towers (It calculates how many resources you would have to produce to keep your towers filled).

Towers are now smarter

When an enemy is about to receive fatal damage, the tower won’t overshoot at the zombie. For example, when the Arrow Tower does 100 damage per shot, and the enemy has 50 health, it will now only shoot one arrow at the enemy. Previously there would have been multiple arrows shot, which wasted ammo - and no one wants that.

Skill tree

The Skill tree allows to further upgrade buildings with skills like increased damage, increased health, critical chance, and special abilities like the ability for walls to regenerate health during the night and much more! Go check it out, it’s fun.

Minor stuff

Key to toggle GUI (F2)
Map now has fog at the borders
Zombies now collide with each other 
Added setting to display FPS
Improved UI

And that’s all for this post

Thank you so much for the continued support everyone!

Max - Community Guy.



Next up


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Update 2.627

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