Cosmic Defenders
6 years ago

Update for Cosmic Defenders[v.1.3.3 & Info]

So I’ve been holding a bit off with the sound for the game as some of you might have noticed. I’ve also put Cosmic Defenders as a paid title now, current price should be $3.99 which I think seems fair, as it will surround constant updates and bugfixes as seen. I’ll put the money made from this into the game again, music, SFX, maybe purchase some cool art - but most of all the music would be really sweet to get in, but no one does that for free. If you feel like supporting the game, that would mean the world to me. Now lets get to this week’s devlog.

Below you should find the boring text stuff, but here’s some screenshots!

[NOTE: LAN & Online is coming! It’s not here yet.]


The Shop


New special


The new passives



  • Fixed an issue where at wave 21 the game would crash (very rare) (Clealia)

  • Fixed a graphical issue where Player 2 when wielding nothing would walk reverse

  • Added a “Back” function from the pause, so you can leave the mission quicker

  • Fixed a graphical glitch from the shops that would happen on pause

  • Added camera shake for a couple Pyro 50-13 bosses

  • Fixed a huge on-going collision bug with turrets & barricades, should be alot better now

  • Made some small UI changes through all the menus (slightly noticeable)

  • Fixed an issue where it would display your speedrunning time on any mode. It would just say “0 minutes, 0 seconds”, so just a graphical bug

  • Changed more difficulty

  • Changed FREEZE from 5 seconds to 10

  • Changed the Credit Rain icon

  • Added passive abilities (Health Regen, Auto Repair, Life Steal)

  • Added “Vines” as special

  • Added “Shop”

  • Added a currency called “ZP - ZAPHCREDITS”

  • Added a little bit of sound.



Next up

Next Level: Spaceship


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Smile! Here, take some happy pills! ✨💊 #Blender #3DModelling #3DArt Buy me a Ko-fi:

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


Shoobies leave a sticky trail of mucus in their wake, which can impede movement for any creature that steps in it.

Fan art for Foolish I'm feeling kinda better so I drew this

Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.

I was bored, so... ManutKat.

The whole squad is here!

Interested? Follow me!

Alone Together....