Fun Time In The Forest (F.I.T.F)
10 months ago

Update + Help Wanted

so, a little update it's been I think 1 or 2 years now. I thank all of you that stook around but there have been more setbacks than up comings. that does not mean I'm canceling this. I took a long brake because me and my staff have lost motivations, but I found a new inspiration for it. I have so many ideas, but I don't know if my staff want to continue. so, I'm asking all of you fans of my game well i hope you are. I'm asking all of you to help me find new staff this list below is what I need of people. the more people the Beter thanks for reading the way of asking to be apart will be at the bottom of the list.


music artist (creepy music)

2d artist (ventage looking animatronics)

3d model artist (ventage looking animatronics)

texture artist (Substance Painter)

rigger (I.K. rigging)

3d map artist

story writers

voice actors

Video Editing

Environmental Modelling


if you would like to join the team, contact me on discord name is foxysanseverything

thanks for taking the time to read this

sincerely Foxysans.



Next up

Oscor head is almost done should expect more update on the model this weekend

some consept art leak by the owner!!!!! jk just giving you guys something to put you on your tosses

some sceches for rooms

GAME ALMOST DONE??? (Devlog 3)

occurs endo is being modeled

new update on the model and we are making the plushies for the characters

he's watching


oscor's model is done