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Concept character design of Ani'Voa after years since the demo released in 2017. Redesign them at each in studies.
SMALL ART till new income is driving your way. #TurboTime #art #concept
Your idea will be on screen by being chosen maxed up to EIGHT ideas before the end of the show.
Meet H-RH.exe, call him Help-R Handy. The TobiKomi ROM bytes scatter through the data of the game. And part of your simulation. #robot #ai #wreckitralph #tobikomi #3d
All carts goes in the same path in line. One of the pushed back behind and come up forward in order.
The makers would pull the guide to them and to the next.
Lifesize built arcade cabinet. Incoming soundtrack as arcade circuitry soundchip. #turbotime #wreckitralph #tobikomi
TurboTime GX - Endless Arcade DEMO is now released.
Now you can play it in endless tracks in cycles to be the best racer!
Arrival shipping prepare. Update before the lead management call out soon.
New Bouncer logo tooken the title from @VadtiCano 's.
#TurboTime GX project has an ERROR to load a file. The game will be recreate and replicate the original from their codes while using ATOM format management.
"Computer updates: all files will be transfer to a SSD drive until the shipping."
- J. T. Lenard