The Henry StickMINI Collection: Double Trouble!
2 years ago


3/5/22 - Ver. 1.1 released. (Longer block time, and bugs fixed!)

3/4/22 - Ver. 1.0 released. (Original)

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Only true THSMC fans will understand this.

Check out The Henry StickMINI Collection: Double Trouble here:

Sneak peek at the Electrical Zone! Certified big brain moment.

Check out The Henry StickMINI Collection: Double Trouble here:

Current block count.

...yes I know it could be better optimized smh 🙄🙄

Part 2 (Electrical) is finished! As celebration, have... whatever this is.

Check out The Henry StickMINI Collection: Double Trouble here:

🗣️ open sesame 🗣️

The main ending is pretty much done now! Time to work on the others! :D

mods are asleep, post mini henry 🗣️❕❗

Wonder what this thing could be...

Check out The Henry StickMINI Collection: Double Trouble here:

I was going to release a video sneak peek of the Vault, but it wouldn't upload. So, have these photos of it instead.

The game is now 3/5ths done, just hang tight!

Check out The Henry StickMINI Collection: Double Trouble here:

Only Bart Bonte fans will understand this 🗣️🗣️