23 hours ago

Update on my test. I had a curve and a couple questions that weren't graded so I got a 33/40. Les go

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Thinking of making this a whole series. Just the Fazbear gang goofing off

Intro Sequence for the Game and my other projects


Jack [DOAI/Dreams of an Insomniac]

Read the article for more info about this

Wanted to share my first ever SFM renders. They're not the full images because I didn't know how to export back in April of last year, but nonetheless, here they are!

It's Me Short

(Here's the post I was talking about)

This is abouta be hype aint it? #ULTRAKILL

One last piece of art for FNAF 3's 10th!

Took use of JT Music's Chilling quote

Once again, happy birthday FNaF 3!!!

#FNAF3 #FiveNightsAtFreddys #SFM

Purple Guy

Requested by @GreenAssassin_JJ


saw this at target and decided to make this