Almost all of the stolen content has been taken down from a fangame who used all of our project's work, art and sprites.
There's still the use of edited stolen artwork as the banner on their project. The artist who made the work has been contacted so they may take care of it. The use of our edited logo has mostly been removed, but is still used in images, no longer used as a thumbnail.
The situation has mostly been resolved. Thanks for letting the team know about this.
We do hope at some point, all uses of our work, even if edited, can be removed and taken down at some point. Our artists and spriters hold a right to allow, or not allow redraws or resprites to their works whenever they feel so. The artwork edited is not fair-use, and was not intended for others to download and use. The sprites are not intended for download or use. Hope this clears up any confusion in the future. You can use the art made for the project, only for backgrounds on your computer, phone, or non-public sources. Do not repost, redraw or reuse our artist's works without asking or permission to do so.
That is all.
Stolen and edited artwork in question.