Greetings everyone. I felt like posting this just to update you all of what’s been happening lately.
Game development is going well for the brand new game. The official name of the new game is indeed “Broken” as stated on the teaser. It’s likely there wouldn’t be anymore teasers however, as everything I want to show you has been seen. All that’s left is the teaser trailer. Speaking of which …
The trailer is being worked on right now, as the game is at least 50% done. I’ve worked really hard on this game, and unlike my previous games, there wouldn’t be any set release date until I feel it has been finished enough. I don’t want to rush the games development with a release date, thus why I don’t have one yet. I’ll try to release the trailer as soon as I can though.
Sorry for the inactivity, but trust me, the wait will be worth it. ;)
See you soon.