Phobia: The Awakening

1 year ago

Update on what's to come!

Hey everyone! I don't have a whole lot of really exciting stuff to share, but I figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to be a little more specific about what's to come in the future!

I said a lot of these things in my recent post, but this'll keep things a little more condensed into a list (also without my paragraphs of ramblings) so it can be easier to understand.

  • Phobia: The Awakening's game page will stay up and so will Long Hours'.

  • Long Hours is put on hold, not cancelled. It will be changed to have the new characters in it, but the version including The Wiggles may (or may not) release after the final game is released. It will be in an unfinished state if it does though.

  • Phobia: The Awakening is getting a remake and will come out before Long Hours. The gameplay will mostly stay the same with minor adjustments to the mechanics, far more improved environments, and possibly more content as well!

  • The name of the series will be changed to something else more fitting rather than "Phobia". The subtitles such as The Awakening and Long Hours are very likely to stay, however.

  • The story is staying the same with some possible minor adjustments.

  • The new characters will still look like The Wiggles' weird freaky puppets and will have some nods to the characters they used to be.

  • Already existing original characters like The Figure, Mark, Cloggy the Clown and plenty of others are here to stay, as they are obviously my own.

  • The Awakening's remake should be out by next year. No promises, but I'm hoping for around May or June 2024.

  • Long Hours' is pretty far into its development already, possibly around 50% with lots of things to still do, but if the process of changing everything goes really well, it may or may not release around late 2024 or early 2025.

Take those two last ones with a grain of salt, but I'm putting them there just to give you guys an idea.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! I won't be able to get too specific about details on some things for obvious reasons.

Hopefully this post clears things up if anyone was confused/had some questions!



Next up


Happy day of completion to Phobia: The Awakening!


I got inspired by phobia long hours and drew the wiggles robots as glamrock robots, I hope you guys like these designs

Phobia: The Awakening - Update 2.2 is now live!

Me when the when the me when the the

Happy Valentines Day!

(to those who can celebrate it ig lol)


“Knock, Knock.”
