13 years ago

Update Suggestions?

Hey all, I’m super glad that Monica placed 3rd in the contest! I guess staying up all night working on it was worth it after all. :)

Even though I’m really happy with its success, I’m still not satisfied with the game itself. I’m working on an update to fix the most glaring issues and add some fun new material.

So far I’ve redone the title and menu screens (they’re much more pleasing to the eye now) and I’m planning to redo level 18 (which is way too hard and messes up the flow).

Other than the issues stated above, what improvements/additions would you like to see in an updated version? Thanks!



Next up

One of the most critical update for Sunblaze demo. Now you are able to pet a cat! Finally!

Regional Bulbasaur. #Pokemon

Let me introduce you to the new Mech line: Gendai Spec. Those are Mech that specializes in surprise attacks, covered operations, and stealth. They are equipped with melee weapons but one of Gendai's frames supports sniper rifles.

I made a small jungle house.

Annie of the stars

Knocked down + Get up animation


Someone seems to be a little angry

I hate that stupid cupcake.

(New FNAF Friday show this week) (was sick for the last few days, sorry)