Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories
3 years ago

Update: Where Have I Been + Progress On the Game

Hey guys, it's been like... a month since I haven't been posting anything on here at all!

-Where Have I Been?

Well for starters, I have been busy with college, been doing art on my own time, been playing some games for my own time (like I am in a full on Lego games fever and am planning onto playing the lego games I have in my library, I have just finished Lego Batman 3 by the way, which means I have completed the Lego Batman trilogy), and now finally, I have finally gotten my PS5 that just came in the mail yesterday (so take that scalpers lmao)

-Progress on the game!

So currently, the progress on the game is... going slow, but it is slowly catching up steam, I am in the middle of sketching art assets, making props & the controller prompts to see if I can either use it customed or pre-made and am creating the backgrounds for the hub world of Johnathan's home!

And speaking of Johnathan's home, for the first time you will get to see what the game looks like in-engine as like a test or something to see what's to come!


Now please note that Johnathan here is just a normal sprite and he is not assigned to the player object just yet, but I will get to it very soon

But yeah, this is just to test something to measure his size with the environment and the props in his bedroom and I really need to start adding in posters in the room soon!

So yeah, I am still alive and I'm not dead!

#update #platformer #gamedev #indiedev #GameMaker #GameMakerStudio2



Next up

The soundtrack cover for my game, Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories is finally finished! (Just have to repost this due to the text at the bottom)

If you want to learn more about my game, here is a link to the game's page:…

It's a whole space pirate menace vs... a ragtag group of young individuals?

Best you better get ready for an adventure that is gonna be both chaotic and pure mischief as hell!

Development Gameplay Footage of Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories taken in August of 2023

Happy April the Fool Day!

Sorry I don't have anything funny business today...

BUT... I do have something planned up in my sleeve very soon, it will be talked in an upcoming devlog because ohh boy it is gonna be a big one!

I hope you have yourself a great christmas, and I hope you got the stuff you wanted on your christmas list!!!

Devlog Update: August 2022 Edition - Deciding to restart the development process from 2020 to 2021 + WIP look at the character select screen!

Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories - Promotional Artworks: Johnathan & Gerry

I have made these drawings for my game that shows my character's Johnathan and his rival, Gerry.

And I will make more of these types of artwork very soon!

Oh hey, since that all the people who came from GameBanana are now coming on here (including myself), I can show off a tease on a mod that I am gonna be working on soon!

It's been like a month since I haven't posted anything at all, well... I'm back and I have some brand new stuff that I am gonna show off very soon, like this new test footage on the revamped sprite's on Johnathan + room transitions.

So stay tuned folks!!!