FNaW Christmas Horror: Bloodied Rains (Demo Out Soon!)

6 days ago

Updated Thumbnail - Final



Next up

Name Change, Updated Thumbnail, and added total Completion to the desc

Me and My friend @Tartiston got bored so we decided to recreate some already existing Wario renders With our own editing style

(Top is og)

(Article is both of our remakes)

Updated Giant Render - Final

I wonder what this could be used for...

Devlog #3

(Larger devlog)

As For an christmas present, I present to you some progress we've made in the last 4 weeks (Not everything is being showed)

Hey look the game is officially 95% done how cool is that (i've been working on this game day and night recently please help me)

Thank you Red bass for this cool Mindtaker Wario render btw.

Devlog #2