Project Terminus
5 years ago

Updates and Future Projects


So, I’m pretty much done updating Terminus, for the most part it works fine, it’s playable, and progress is saved. There is a specific order I’ve noticed to beating it. Beating it like this is how it’s intended to be beaten:

  • Night 5

  • Night 6

  • Nightmare

  • Breakout

  • Locked Away Secret Nights

This is how to beat it without any noticeable glitches, of course after getting 5 stars you must replay Night 5 and click Yes at the end, giving you a special ending scene.

Future Projects

Project Terminus: Custom Night isn’t gonna be for a while. I need a lot more time to focus on it so it can be good, so I won’t start working on it until Fall this year. I do have something else for you guys. I mentioned a Spring DLC before, however that isn’t the case. I’ve decided I will not be making a Spring DLC, however I do have something new regarding Project Terminus that I will reveal in 21 Days. Trust me, it’s much better than a DLC, so stay tuned ;)



Next up

Happy Halloween! Here's something that's been in the works~

Just a reminder that I haven't forgotten about PTI, it's still in the works :)

Pokémon Epoch, my brand new big Project (Link in Article):

Initially was gonna reveal on March 31st, but I figured Friday would be a better day, see you soon ;)

New Project, Don't expect any info for a bit though.

Can't wait to show more of this in the future, definitely excited to be starting this project!

Happy New Years Everyone!

I honestly can't help myself.

Perfectly Placed.

Y'all ever just get that feeling of unease when going up or down in like an elevator or plane, like you could just drop super fast or whatever ? It's hella weird. Lots of things are weird. Like my wanting to tease stuff but the clips aren't ready yet ;)