Mary's Arcade (Classic)
4 years ago

Updates for the week of Nov. 29th

(read the article)

Hello! This devlog is going to be smaller than the last one. Mostly because a lot of the stuff I've been working on has been covered in the previous devlog.

Since that last log I've been making small tweaks to menus and loading screens. I've also been working heavily on trying to build a decent atmosphere with the sounds I have so far.

I'm hoping to start the next phase of testing by the end of the month. If I can manage that I'll make another post talking about how that goes.

The only things bottlenecking me right now are render times and waiting for people to get back to me on things.

Other than that development is going smoothly.



Next up

SP minigame will have ricocheting projectiles because I want to make you all suffer.

Phisnom's tier list.

Mary's Arcade - 1 DAY UNTIL RELEASE

ReAl TiMe!!!

(Cameras now stay active when laptop is lowered to improve continuity)

Service Pack is coming along, I just don't have a lot of new stuff to show right now.


I am the evil.

Ricocheting algorithm has twice the search radius, twice the angular resolution, and twice the distance to test. Oh, and it runs 12x faster than the one in the last post.

Mary's Arcade - 2 DAYS UNTIL RELEASE

Mary's Dating Simulator!

Mary's Arcade v1.0.0 is now public. I hope you enjoy it!