Barbacteria's Odyssey
4 years ago

Updates on Barbacteria's Odyssey

It's been a long time since the last time we have posted anything new about "Barbacteria's Odyssey", and that's because we been through difficult times and even more now we the recent pandemic going on.

The last time we uploaded a new version of the game, was an early idea after a game jam, so most of the code and the idea was so raw that now we have decided to restart the development from scratches. This doesn't mean that too many things will change, instead this mean that the game core mechanics will be more polished. Also the art team has decided that some things will change in favor of some new mechanics, so let us tell you more about the changes that Captain Barbacteria will have.

On the mechanics side we have te following changes:

  • Character customization, will put a greater effort in alllow the players to decide to change the hat, add mutations and select two other cannons to his journey. All of this customization will bring a change of look and a change of his stats.

  • We are trying to improve storytelling, so treasures will no longer be the main objective, instead the player must advance through the level and treasures will be just a hidden prize for him (At least inside the story mode)

  • More intelligent enemies. We are doing our best effort to create a more colective AI, that will give the players a greater challange.

  • Bigger levels, to create a better enviroment, and improve the storytelling we have decided to increase the size of the levels.

  • Checkpoints, we know everyone who have played the game will be happy about this. Since now the levels will be bigger, checkpoint are a must.

Some of the art changes are:

  • We decided to use tileset instead of the curvy levels that we had. Our art team is doing their best efforts to keep the look of levels organic.

  • Characters will have 8 look directions, this will make the enemies actually have a field of view.

  • A complete change on the main menu. We are trying to create a playable main menu. But this will take a lot more time to develop, so we are expecting to have a this on a later version of the game.

With all that said, we hope you understand this delay on the game and also the lack of updates (we know it took a loooong time since the last update). We will try to keep on touch with you and keep telling updates in a more regular intervals.

Finally, you can expect a new version (v0.5) at the end of April, with all the changes on mechanics but with a lot of placeholder graphics (programmer made graphics).

Thank you for your time and support!



Next up

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

Demonstration of the spells and their effects :)!

Shuiro Haname. #Commission

Commission for @ShuHaname

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Cash Banooca

not the greatest house, but it's a house! :D

it happens

Some Shadow boss fight gameplay 👾

Here's a Fredbear sprite i made in Aseprite! I'm pretty proud of this!

(Btw, sorry for the double post! I'll try to post less)