9 months ago

Uploaded a fix to a bug where the game would remain in slow mode after restart



Next up


and be rewarded with items

We got taunts! Not as many as the original unity build, but still

So I managed to include the nose in the first sprite, but it came out kind of awkward in the second sprite. Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve it?

Added a wacky game over screen. With that, the game is complete! Happy delivering!

Here's the new mission select screen! Featuring sprite Akio. His posture has not improved

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like Godot has a good way to sync up particles with sound effects. But if you have a sound looping at approximately the same rate, you can't really pick up the difference

Big update this time. Added level end screens depending on how well the delivery went. Also, the wind spell should actually be useful now

Showing off the new threat ranking screen. Honestly, sprite Cary Levi looks much closer to my original design for him. Goes to show I have far more experience here than in 3D modeling

"I think you've drawn enough pose sprites." "NO."

A little Sneak Peek at the intro cutscene