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USC: Counterforce Alpha 0.3.0 Demo is available! ;) We've been working hard to release a new alpha demo build by the end of the year, that -- while still very far from complete -- offers a greatly improved overall game experience. Happy hunting! ;)
The new demo version brings dedicated melee weapons, like: - the USCF CK-20 combat knife - the KS TPR-6A "Raskolnikov" frontier axe - the Hypnos R2 stun baton - the YSW Masamune-series E4 katana - and a riot shield (off-hand)
Happy hunting!
Poor Scott... she was a well-prepared medic! :S Buckle up, marines, this is gonna be a tough one!
Hello folks, let's get started!
Show us your TBS game in this community!
Ok, we go first.
Get ready for the rebirth of a legend in a new shape. Sharkania: Turn-based strategic dragon battles is finally here! :)
Alpha 0.3.2 Demo is out now! Try it free now before the early access! ;) This update brings many bug fixes and optimizations to the game. We've been testing hard to make sure the gameplay is now more enjoyable and the engine is more stable.
Alpha 2 demo is out now! First and foremost it finally adds SOUNDS and MUSIC to the game and contains lots of BUG FIXES, as well as balance changes to the already available 4 weapons, and difficulty scaling for the aliens.
We have achieved 2nd place at The Big Indie Pitch PC+Console Edition, November 2021! Info: This event is highly recommended for indie game devs! ;)
We are testing UI resolutions. Screenshot was made with max. zoom-in, resolution: 3440x1440! ;)
Watch USC Counterforce - Announcement Trailer on YouTube here:
Grants a permanent +10 Maximum Health. This medal could literally save your marine's life.