All Platforms
-You can now purchase 3 extra Play-Tokens each day.
-Reduced trees even more.
-Tutorial cutscene is disabled until I can make a better one.
-Floor Fan is replaced with a dumpster.
-You can now replay Fedbre's Revenge after completing it.
-The Tycoon phase now loads instantly instead of trying to be fancy.
-Level 2 in Fedbre's Revenge has the laser mechanics changed slightly.
-Level 1 in Fedbre's Revenge now has the first guide arrow pointing to the right instead of down as that caused confusion in players as to where to go.
-Fixed a typo in Level 1 of Fedbre's Revenge.
-Your Fedbre's Revenge save file no longer gets deleted after completing it.
-Changed some UI elements to look cleaner.
-There is now a fade-in/out transition when going into the Tycoon Phase and out of the shop.
Windows Only
-The CRT effect is in the loading screen for Fedbre's Revenge now.
-The LCD Solid font for the stats font in Fedbre's Revenge is now on the loading screen too.
-The position of the scanline on the CRT effect now carries over to other frames for more realism.
-The Death and Night Over screen now has full HD images instead of scaled-up lower quality ones.
-The way Fedbre scales down works differently now.
Android Only
-Fixed Fedbre not scaling down in Fedbre's Revenge.
-The "E" button is now greyed out when it's on a cooldown.
-Text elements in the Bird minigame are now larger.
-The task progress status is now larger.
-The office screen will no longer pan to the right while you're trying to tap "E."
I think there's more but this is all of the changes I made that I can remember.