20 Sides of Random
3 years ago

v0.2.2 - Bugs & Adjustments

Couldn't decide what to play...decided to kill the night putting in some of the BTS stuff I was thinking up...found pretty serious bug in the process...a game-breaker if using Trivial battle...maybe I'm the only one using it...


-Medic's "3rd Aid" skills can no longer be used vs Agent F while under the effects of Auto-Battle (or vs the Minotaur...but that doesn't matter since no Heroes are Medics...that's more incase I ever reuse that state)

-Based on looking at events...I may have screwed up the bandits boss during the tutorial...

--Confirmed...having Trivial mode on would result in an endless battle with both you and the boss being Immortal...

--This was introduced in 0.1.5 when I put in countermeasures to keep revived characters from reverting to manual battle during this a bad way to do it...

--Fixed using new system and setting Trivial type to -1 before battle (which I was going to do even if it wasn't bugged...)

-Bug averted...because I tested further than necessary...order of operations under new Trivial system would have allowed Doc to inflict K.O.s

-The trapdoor between Springfield and 7th Heaven was impassable due to tileset changes made for Sector 5 in the last update...looked weird anyway...turned it


-Actually only Trivial mode...

-Trivial mode buffs have now been assigned types from 0-10

--Old buffs are type-0 (+50% stats, +25% hit/evasion, 5% HP/MP regen)

--Types 1-4 step down 20% potency each (so type-1 is +40% stats, +20% hit/evasion, 4% HP/MP regen...type-2 is 30%/15%/3% and so on)

--Following the pattern type-5 should be nothing other than being Immortal...but I decided to spread it out some more...type-5 drops down to just regen, but it's 2.5%

--Types 6-10 drop the regen by .5% type-10 is no buffs other than being Immortal

-This change is controlled by a previously undefined variable (hence why there's a type-0, for the variable being 0 as it has been up to now)

--Type-1 begins upon 1st entering Huburbia

--Type-2 begins after 1st clearing Blood Gulch

--Type-3 begins upon entering the FaeWood

--Type-4 begins at the start of Blood Gulch: Medievil

--Type-5 begins at the start of the final Zombie Tower run

--Type-5 will also be set at the start of the next plot event (to standardize old saves)

--This is done by variable set=, not old saves that have passed these triggers will have type-0 buffs until encountering a trigger

--Because of this method...setting the variable to anything other than 0-10 (-1 for example) disables Trivial mode without having to mess with easy and consistent setup for dev-side



Next up

Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art

Quantum precognition is one of the most powerful cards. End game cards & equipment. Demo/alpha build boss is no match for this deck.

Finished work on the emotions of a new character for the tank universe

not the greatest house, but it's a house! :D

A 1h30 painting, coffee break.

My twitter:

Development of my game Juno. This is the rune equipment system.

Usually update over on twitter:

I just wanted to introduce you to my latest musical production and hear some opinions about it. Thank you very much.

It's now possible to destroy some of the obstacles and gain access to new locations or create shortcuts. #gamedev #indiegame #rpg

Daldos Gameplay

Hi everyone! For screenshot saturday we showed some some new sfx sounds. Check it out [Sound On] :)