Equestrian Tales
8 years ago

v0.4.0 Being Uploaded + Changelog

So version 0.4.0 is being uploaded as I type this. It is at 80% at the time I publish this post. A few things of note are listed below. You can also access the Changelog via the in-game Manual through the Menu.

New Characters:

  • Aloe - No skills yet but you can have her as a partner.

  • Lotus - No skills yet but you can have her as a partner.

  • Button Mash - No skills yet but you can have him as a partner.

  • Silly Hat - Only skill she has is the Hat Toss ability. See Jester Hat’s info below for details on this ability.

New Game Features:

  • Character List [A Key] - Brings up the list of characters you’ve unlocked. Locked characters are listed as “???”. You now have the ability to select an unlocked character from the list at any time to be your partner. If you currently have a partner, they’ll be switched out.

  • Soul Sphere [S Key] - Instead of having to go through the menus, simply press this key to see how many Souls you’ve acquired.

  • Alt Skin Change [D Key] - When you unlock an alternate skin for a character, press this key with them as the party leader to change their look. Example: In a later update, Flaming Rapidash Twilight (or whatever she’s called) will be a skin you can unlock. In this update, you can unlock Pinkamena for Pinkie Pie!

  • Easier Start - Enemies drop more Souls and Firestarter’s Soul Requirement has been lowered from 500 to 200! Also I stuck in a 2nd HP Potion in the castle. Not too hard to find…

New/Updated Locations

  • Ponyville Spa [NEW] - This location adds the Spa ponies, Aloe and Lotus, to the character roster!

  • Joke Shop [NEW] - This location adds Silly Hat to the character roster!

  • Trixie’s Wagon [UPDATED] - Flatter colors and less detail to look more like the cartoon!

  • Cave Near Canterlot Castle [UPDATED] - New side area only accessible with Twilight at Level 4 and with the skill Magic Blast! This small area features tougher enemies but greater rewards!

  • Luna’s Bedroom [UPDATED] - Looks more like the show now, including looking more round instead of blocky like Celestia’s room.

New Items/Armors

  • Awakening - Revives a fallen friend.

  • Jester Hat - Minor Defense and Luck boost. Also, Silly Hat has Hat Toss as an ability where she consumes all Jester Hats in the inventory, and equipped ones, to increase her attack power!

  • Socks - Small Defense boost, which you can buy from Trixie. Also, cause why not?

  • Envelopes - Find all 50 and who knows? Maybe something will happen… Not all 50 are in this update, however… Only 13…



Next up

0.9.2 Patch updates:

- Fixed a dialogue bug on the east path in the image shown above

- Hopefully fixed a bug with Firestarter's text

- You should be able to continue the game after beating Trixie and seeing the credits

Here's Zecora's hut from the outside. May seem a little half-"flanked" but I didn't feel like drawing her tree, so I used the image from the GameLoft mobile game :P

New DEV LOG available in the media banner on the game page.

Also available on my YouTube page:

v0.9.1 officially launched with Spike's addition.

v0.9.0 Now Available!


Preview livestream of v0.9.3 scheduled for later

Starbright's house (and crisper Ponyville default houses) completed!

Currently tracing the Ponyville houses so I can give each resident a house whose colors match their own color scheme giving the player some sort of hint as to who lives there.

v0.10 is out now! Hopefully bug-free but probably not!

ALSO, IMPORTANT NOTE: Ignore the Spike patch folder.

OC NOTES: Dreamer Prose is Dragonfire2lm's OC and Starbright is one of mine from my "Pinkamena and the Quest to Save Equestria" game