Equestrian Tales
8 years ago

v0.5.0 Out Now + Changelog

Here’s the new stuff in v0.5.0
Things in BOLD are things added AFTER the previous announcement

New Characters

  • Apple Bumpkin

  • Apple Cinnamon Crisp

  • Apple Fritter

  • Apple Honey

  • Apple Pie

  • Applebloom

  • Applejack

  • Babs Seed

  • Caramel Apple

  • Golden Delicious

  • Granny Smith

  • Hayseed Turnip Truck

  • Lavender Fritter

  • Peachy Sweet

  • Red Delicious

  • Red Gala

New Features

  • Sealed Doors - These are large doors that have a number which represents how many inhabitants you need to rescue to open the door. Behind these doors yield great rewards yet tougher enemies! So BEWARE!!!

New Location

  • Sweet Apple Acres (Apple Family Reunion)

  • Path to the Right of Ponyville, (Includes a special cave. wink wink)

New Items

  • Fire Ruby (Not sure how many) - Use these to get discounts on your train tickets!


  • Super Soul Spheres - Blues gave you 25 Souls, Purples gave you 50 Souls, but Supers give you 100 Souls!!!

Bug Fixes

  • Path to Canterlot from Ponyville will lead elsewhere to avoid the broken/glitch loop

  • Enemies will appear in Appaloosa so you can earn Bits to ride the train again. For now, make sure you have at least 300 Bits when getting the Appaloosa ticket.

  • Fixed the Ticket Prices so that the RIGHT amount of bits is paid.



Next up

Currently tracing the Ponyville houses so I can give each resident a house whose colors match their own color scheme giving the player some sort of hint as to who lives there.

I updated the Pie Sisters' sprites including Pinkamena. Next up is Maud.

Development has resumed. For how long, I'm not quite sure, but I just finished Zecora's hut. /)

Starbright's house (and crisper Ponyville default houses) completed!

v0.9.1 officially launched with Spike's addition.

Here's Zecora's hut from the outside. May seem a little half-"flanked" but I didn't feel like drawing her tree, so I used the image from the GameLoft mobile game :P


v0.5.0 demo coming soon with the first portion of Chapter 2.

New DEV LOG available in the media banner on the game page.

Also available on my YouTube page:

Preparing a CHAPTER 1 build right now. Just gotta wait for the game to compress.