Spongebob's Day of Terror [Fan Horror]
6 years ago

v1.0.1 - Spongebob's Day of Terror

Yay, the first update :P

First thing’s first, if you have a Mac, listen up. Since I’m on Windows, I can’t build a Mac version of the game using UE4 (without emulation or something,) so I need someone to build it for me. To do this, you’d need UE4, and I’d send you the project file. Then all you’d have to do is press a few buttons then send me the built version back. Someone on suggested I post a Mac build, so if you’re reading this and you’d like to, get in touch with me!

Secondly, here’s the changelog:
-Decreased file size (from 421MB to 163MB)
-Increased player movement speed
-Moved restrooms (Makes for easier hiding)
-Changed max framerate from 30 to 60 (having it at 30 in the first place was an accident)
-Improved lightmap quality
-Slowed angler fish movement
-Fixed glitchy Krabby Patty (I think, I’m still not sure what the problem was)
-Fixed development name displaying on the game window (“Spongebob’s Day Off”)


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Next up


I'm making another spongebob horror game!

finally finished another game, i'm pretty happy with this one

My Patreon finally has tiers and stuff now, so it's officially worth looking into, maybe? (P.S. new game coming up soon)

I have a new horror game you might like You can check it out here:

A new horror game This one's better than spongebob's day of terror Check it out here:

not saying i'm making a spongebob zombies game, but i'm making a spongebob zombies game.

some environment work

#spongebob #zombies

Toppy's Workshop Alright, I've made a game page for the new game's dev log. You can check it out here