Mindhive: Wilds

4 days ago

v1.1.1 has arrived!

- Changed title menu to fit v1.1

- Minor visual improvements

- Fixed grammar issue in title menu



Next up

(Game Spoilers) Current development summary for the month of "May" for Mindhive: Wilds

A sneak peek into the train system!

In the future, most likely past v1.2. There will be a new mode of transportation. This form of transportation will allow traveling to other provinces.

Certain types of weapons will now allow one attribute to be added via the new "Tinkering" crafting category.

Mindhive: Wilds Cinematic Teaser #1 is now available!

An all new open-world RPG is releasing in 2024 #openworld #mindhive #rpg #game #mindhivewilds #wilds #gaming #openrpg

Location Spotlight:

Chip's Picks is a store located in Deep Eastern Windview and is the main supplier of bombs and ore across Windhaven. The store is ran by no other than "Chip" who recently moved into Windhaven from Ordinia.

Some amazing stickers that are Mindhive themed! This also confirms of a new enemy named the "Draggid" arriving in Mindhive: Wilds

Before and after of a part of Western Windview that needed some improvement (v1.1)

Mindhive: Wilds takes the spot as #2!

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Working on some new firearms for the gun store as well as new armor pieces.