Girl's Night

2 months ago

v1.1.4 of Girl's Night is out now

Change log in article


  • Added 5 "Modifiers" that make the game harder

    • Also added a new song by @Bop__ called "Estrogen" for the Long Nights modifier

  • Added the "Bop's Quest for Women" and "Girlboss" presets

  • Added new flutes for beating a preset on Hard mode with all available modifiers active with and without Pre-patch on or not

  • Swing and DTurtle's kill timers are now consistent, and the time it takes for them to leave with the door closed scales with AI level slightly

  • Tweaked the infected left hall sprite so it's possible to tell if it's infected when Swing is in the way

  • Pre-patch mode now does the following in addition to what it did before

    • Reverts Swing's and DTurtle's kill timers to the old system

    • Hadal Fortune's kill timer is reset less when clicking her with Hard mode and Long Nights on

    • The door power no longer goes down slower with Perma Door Break on

    • Makes Swave only give 2 extra seconds instead of 3 when you flash her and have Aggressive Swave on

  • Pre-Patch Hard mode flutes can now be obtained for all presets

  • Endless times are now properly saved

  • Door power has been slightly recoded so it's unaffected by framerate

  • Swing and DTurtle no longer treat the doors being broken as it being closed when they're about to kill you

  • Swing and DTurtle should leave immediately after her kill timer is up

  • The hard mode flute looks cooler now

  • If you're playing on mobile, the game should start in full screen

  • The window title will now say "Girl's Night" instead of "bqff cn"

  • Added new trophies

  • Added a new leaderboard for Girlboss times


  • Swing's sound cue is now much more obvious

  • Changed the way the game makes the night end so if the song fails to load it shouldn't make you instantly win

  • Hadal Fortune and DTurtle can now be clicked through flash effects


  • Hadal no longer is unclickable if she's touching the shock button

  • Swave no longer appears in every camera


  • Characters are no longer invisible in cams


  • Swing and DTurtle's checks for killing you should be more consistent with pre-patch off

  • Swave no longer blocks the infection in the bar camera and no longer appears above Turtlebot



Next up

been working on recoding a huge chunk of the game

is there anything yall want tweaked about the selection screen, death screen, sandbox mode, or basically anything else that isn't actual gameplay or the menu?

i think there's something wrong with my tmn version


Femtanyl!! ------------------------ I'M ON MY ART GRIND!!!!!! GRAHHHHHH (I love you Cashman Casino Las Vegas Slots realm <3)

too many nights



2nd row( Oni's ) is officially finished !!!

Oni's max mode is a lot easier than the Sush one imo but it gets INCREDIBLY fast-paced later on considering both pancake and glaucous's difficulty scales with the time a little bit

but yeah !!!

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