Five Nights at Coso - Remake

5 years ago

V1.2.6: The Custom Challenge update!

  • Added customizable challenges on the challenges menu

  • Now the Ugly Coso doll prize will follow you even on the extras! Try to find it ;)

  • Minor fixies

(report any bugs if you find one, thanks :))



Next up

I officially invite Powerplex to beta test Repainted in Gold.

V2.1.0: Cosoul's bossfight ENHANCED

Join the gang and celebrate the first anniversary of Five Nights at Coso Clickteam Fusion Remake!

And with that, 1.4.5 update has come:

Me and my girl are celebrating our 2nd valentine's day together!!!

FNaCoso is OUT NOW!

Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!

Goodbie JOLLY 4 my last fanart for you <3

I've done all the cameras! Now I must create a power system and the AI of the animatronics

I have an idea for an amazing teaser but the game has priority over it. So you'll receive it later on gamers.

For now, here, take this Springsuit's placeholder image