FNF: Corroded Realm's (V1 Update is Out now ^^)
10 months ago

V1 Is now open

Super excited to announce that v1 is officially open.

Link to it:



Next up

Update/New Battle Sprites

Man it's been a while but we're back with a new update. This time well be featuring our regional line for luvdisc and their new evolution. Made by the amazing @TReis

LittleBigFunkin Concept

We're currently looking for a long someone who is a FNF coder (preferably Psyche/Yoshi engine) who would be interested in helping out. (DM me for more info) (Image by ponche)#fnf #Pibby


Background announcement

New header/Thumbnail for project

ok, I decided to make concepts for a Doctor Nowhere mod, this time it's "The Locust"

Here's a video showcasing our first town for Pokémon: Creation of Chaos. The lovely Arista Town, the place where your journey begins. (No buildings yet since they are being currently made.