Version 0.5.2 change log!
Freaks playground
-Added 2 min mode for freak survival!
-Added where you must clean at least 1 room in freak survival or your pay gets cut in half! (Good old ringleader!)
-Added seconds into freak survival (after 1 min)
-Added screen names (You can see it on windowed mode)
-Added the ability to use “A” and “D” keys instead of the left and right arrow (everywhere it says the arrow keys)
-Added “custom play” into freak survival!
-Changed the background to freak survival (the option screen)
-Changed the credits (updated titles/changed special thanks and such)
-Updates some effects on token waster (the perspective object)
-Fixed a V-sync issue in freak survival
-Fixed a bug with “the painting” on token waster
-Fixed a bug with hardcore playing when on normal
Thanks for playing!